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My Tibia life


This a page dedicated to the RPG game that I play called Tibia.

This is the guild I'm in. These people are the nicest people you will ever meet!


This is my character. She is the main character that I usually play. I sometimes play my Druid, but only if I need money.

This is Saban. Me and her fight over Duppy all the time. We got a love triangle going on in there somewhere lol. This is her and Duppy going to the Great Dragonlord.



This is the most Romantic/Beautiful place in all of Tibia. Thx Saban for getting this screen shot.

This is on the test server. Demons are the strongest monster in the game. A gamemaster summoned all of these Mighty monsters!!



This is my character on her marry way going on another exciting hunt.


This is the only monster I have never seen till now. The Green Djinn(pronounced Jin) makes you drunk off your ass so its hard to kill it.